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Praying From Victory, Pt.6: Praying the Promise

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.

Sermon Theme

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Because we are one with Christ, we are in a place of authority and rule over the enemy. It is time to rise up and live and function from our position in Christ. God is looking for believing believers! In addition, our testimonies of miracles are tied to God’s Mission and purpose.


Ephesians 1; Colossians 3:1; 2 Timothy 1:9; Psalm 24:7-10

Discuss & Reflect

·      How does God word translate into power in our lives?

·      Is my provision tied to my purpose and destiny?

·      If so, is there any benefit to being in God’s will and purpose for my life?

·      What if I am not living in God’s will for my life?

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Life Group Curriculum Guest User Life Group Curriculum Guest User

Praying From Victory, Pt.5

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.

Sermon Theme

We come to God because we are clothed with Jesus’s righteousness. The righteousness is what enables us to come boldly to His throne. Through grace and the gift of righteousness we get to reign in this life. His mercy and grace to help when we need it most is at His throne. We are invited to live in this place where we are seated in heavenly places. Our perspective is shaped by where we are seated (Get God’s perspective).


Isaiah 43; Hebrews 4; Colossians 3:1-3; John 3:12-13

Discuss & Reflect

·         How does God want us to live down here in the first heaven?

·         If Jesus already did everything I need to fulfill my purpose how do I access his provision?

·         How should I pray knowing I can access what is in the 3rd heavens?

·         Pastor Richard previously described how we should ask for God’s strategy first, then fight with prophetic decrees and proclamations. Has this changed the way you pray?



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Life Group Curriculum Guest User Life Group Curriculum Guest User

Praying From Victory, Pt. 4

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.

Sermon Theme

When you get Born Again you are raised up into the heavens and seated with Christ far above ALL PRINCIPALITIES POWERS AND MIGHT or Rulers of this present darkness and the spiritual wickedness in Heavenly places. The third heaven is the place where God resides and rules. Christ’s resurrection revolutionized how we live our lives “down here”. We are one with Christ now, and we ought to live from our co-ascension in Christ. It is about access. Let us open the doors of revelation and walk out our purpose and destiny.


Revelation 3:8, 20; Revelation 4:1; Ephesians 2:6-10

Discuss & Reflect

·         How does God want us to pray regarding our problems?

·         Describe the three doors and how they relate to you?

·         If Jesus already did everything I need to fulfill my purpose how do I access his provision?

·         Pastor Richard previously described how we should ask for God’s strategy first, then fight with prophetic decrees and proclamations. Has this changed the way you pray?



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Life Group Curriculum Guest User Life Group Curriculum Guest User

Praying From Victory

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.

Sermon Theme

It is imperative that we play from a place of victory, not for victory. Praying from the 3rd heaven (beginning explanation last week, continuing this week) is praying from a place of victory. The three heavens are not physical locations, but places in the spiritual dimension. We also need to make sure that our perception of warfare is not OT based. This next season we are invited in a special way to go beyond what we believe is impossible and TO MAKE THE WORLD WHOLE.  


Ephesians 1; Ephesians 6; Hebrews 4

Discuss & Reflect

  • Describe the three heavens and how they relate to you.

  • Describe what it means to pray from a place of Victory.

  • If the devil is already defeated, what is spiritual warfare about?

  • Pastor Richard described how we should ask for God’s strategy first, then fight with prophetic decrees and proclamations. How will this new information change the way you pray?

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Life Group Curriculum Guest User Life Group Curriculum Guest User

Effectual Prayer, Pt. 2

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.

Sermon Theme

Our discussion continues about effectual prayer. Effectual, fervent prayer can look like the prayer of faith. We must know the authority we have as we partner with God to advance His kingdom. Praying effectually is not begging, it is proclaiming what God has told us and standing with Him to see it come to pass.


James 5:14-17; Matthew 16; Ephesians 3:8-12

Discuss & Reflect

  •   Prayer is about discovering what God wants to do and then standing between heaven and earth being the conduit for it to be done. What are some “its” in your life that you are believing God for?

  • God speaks to us in different ways. What ways do you personally tune in to God’s voice?

  • Why is there more power in our prayers corporately?

  • Discuss what it means to pray from a place of victory.

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Life Group Curriculum Guest User Life Group Curriculum Guest User

Effectual Prayer

Effectual (white hot) prayer is the prayer that works. The book of James gives us instructions on how to watch what we say and the importance of effectual prayer. James points us to Elijah’s example of effectual prayer.

Sermon Theme

Effectual (white hot) prayer is the prayer that works. The book of James gives us instructions on how to watch what we say and the importance of effectual prayer. James points us to Elijah’s example of effectual prayer.


James 5:13-18; 1 Kings 18:41-45

Discuss & Reflect

  • The book of James gives instruction on how to act when faced with trials, how to speak when in trials and how we should confess the sin of offense. In what ways has James 5:16 been used out of context to justify confessing sins to each other?

  • In 1 Kings 18, Elijah prayed for rain and initially there was no sign of results. Reflect on times in your life that you have prayed and saw no results. Did you quit praying, or did you do as Elijah did and continue in prayer?

  • Why do we need to pray?

  • How is God speaking to you about what would it mean for you to pray effectually?

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

The King's Table

Mephibosheth was five years old when he lost his father, grandfather, and became crippled for life all on the same day. Orphaned in Lo-debar, King David found and rescued Mephibosheth from an impoverished life to his reserved seat at King David’s table. Even as King David is a shadow and type of our King Jesus, we are being sought out after to accept the invitation of a lifetime to feast at the Lord’s table.

Sermon Theme

Mephibosheth was five years old when he lost his father, grandfather, and became crippled for life all on the same day. Orphaned in Lo-debar, King David found and rescued Mephibosheth from an impoverished life to his reserved seat at King David’s table. Even as King David is a shadow and type of our King Jesus, we are being sought out after to accept the invitation of a lifetime to feast at the Lord’s table.


2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 9:1-12, 13


  1. What themes in Mephibosheth’s life are part of your own? Are you identifying with your condition more than the identity you were given by God? Caught in a vortex of defeat, what debilitating orphan mentality, including self-hating thoughts and actions, have kept you in the hand of the enemy? What about those desolate places of no or low expectation in your life?

  2. Affirmatively, accepting your reserved seat at the Lord’s table is not a one-time event. How are you feasting off of the intentional kindness of God in your life? How are you partaking of the richness and fullness of God? What scriptures, songs, and dance has the Lord given for your deliverance? Can you taste and see the goodness of God, in every aspect of your life?

  3. Where and how is the Lord showing you His process of restoration? Is there a place in Him where your former life is no longer a place of shame and guilt; but, a launching pad of victory?


Father, thank you for this message. Your intentional pursuit and kindness toward us is overwhelming. More and more we find You in every good thing in our lives. Partaking of the fullness of your mercy and grace has so much to do with our encounters with You. Increase our encounters with You every day. Thank you that for making yourself known to us and everyone around us. You are truly glorious! Thank you for the feast that you have prepared for us to make us strong against the enemy of our mind. In Jesus, name. Amen

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

The Power of Mother's Prayer

There is no other job that is as demanding and important as that of a mother. Mothers are the most influential people in the world. Mothers shape the lives of each person throughout their life time through their love, correction and mostly their prayers for their children. The prayers of godly mothers have eternal impact.

Sermon Theme

There is no other job that is as demanding and important as that of a mother. Mothers are the most influential people in the world. Mothers shape the lives of each person throughout their life time through their love, correction and mostly their prayers for their children. The prayers of godly mothers have eternal impact. Both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, God shows honor to mothers as demonstrated in the godly influence shown to Moses and to Timothy through the encouragement, teaching and prayers of their mothers and in the case of Timothy also with his grandmother. A godly mother who prays can have impact on her children even in the midst of a culture that is ungodly or in marriages in which there may be unbelievers. We can honor our mothers through various expressions of our love to them – through words, through touch and through our patience with them as they age. The mother’s prayers are often the thing that helps us through life’s difficulties and sustains us as we grow in our relationship with Christ


2 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 3:14-15; 1 Corinthians 7:14; Hebrews 11:23-29; Ephesians 6:2-3


  1. Why was it essential for both Moses and Timothy to have the influence of a spiritual mother in growing up in a family and culture in which other influences could have shaped their lives?

  2. For those who did not have the influence of a godly and praying mother in their lives, what are some of the ways in which the church family can help to provide this influence and support?

  3. Are there ways in which you feel that you can provide greater honor and expression of love and appreciation to your mother in helping you to grow in your own walk with God?


Father, we thank God for the godly influence of mothers in our lives. We thank you for our mothers’ prayers and faithfulness to you and to all their children. We ask that we provide the honor, love and appreciation to them each day and that we in turn would lift them up in prayer, so their needs would be met and that they will experience the richness of your love to them.

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Living Hope

Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.

Sermon Theme

Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.


Revelation 1:18; Matthew 26:47-53; Isaiah 37:36; John 19:11; Matthew 27:45-51; Amos 8:9; 1Corinthians 5:20-21; Isaiah 53; John 20:1-8; 11-14; John 11:25-26; Matthew 27:51-53; 1Corinthians 6:14; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 1 John 3:2-3; Romans 15:13; Romans 8:11; Philippians 3:10-11)


  1. What were those things in your life that were dead that have come alive because of the great “I AM” that lives inside of you?

  2. How has your awareness of Christ in you brought a hunger for holiness, pure thoughts and deeds?

  3. What supernatural ways has Jesus made Himself known to you through your fellowship with Holy Spirit?

  4. In what ways have your desires melted into the desires of our Most High God because of the Love that Jesus poured out on the cross?


Thank you Jesus. You are our Living Hope. By the power of Holy Spirit, resurrect our lives in Your Love. Go before us that we may walk, obedient to Holy Spirit’s transforming power. Bring the revelation of the eternal life that you have prepared for us here - to know You. Lord, we embrace Your love, purpose, and desires for our lives in Jesus Name, Amen.

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Money's Worth #3 - Breaking the Spirit of Debt

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.


Pastor Richard West March 17, 2019

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.

Read: Luke 16:11-12; Romans 13:7-8; Phil.4:11-13; Psalms 37:21; Ecc. 5:4; Lev. 25:9-10; Luke 4:18-22; Gal. 3:13,

16; Deut. 8:18; Deut. 28:1-14; Exodus 3:22.

• Money and how we use it is a major theme in the Bible – referenced 2,300 times in the Scriptures

• The Scriptures tell us that if we struggle in handling earthly resources like money how can God entrust us with spiritual or heavenly resources that are vital for His Kingdom. Therefore, we are stewards of what belongs to God. He is Lord even over our money.

• We are instructed in the Scriptures to have no debt other than the debt of loving each other in the Body of Christ.

• We live in a consumer society in which debt is considered normal and an expected part of our lives. But God wants to break the spirit of debt and its bondage on our lives.

• Savings is seen in Scripture as a “storehouse principle” that will help us break the bondage of debt in our lives and release God’s blessing. Joseph saved for 7 years to prepare for the “rainy day” of famine and as a result saved a nation. The book of Proverbs teaches us 7 ways in which to invest which shows us that having a mindset of savings is a Biblical principle.

• Credit card debt is a tool the enemy uses to keep us in the bondage of debt that often leads into aspects of poverty in which we spend and live beyond our means. “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” We all need at some time in our lives to have “plastic surgery” – freedom from credit cards and debt.

• Like Paul, we all need to learn to be satisfied in all things, whether in lack or in abundance through the power given to us by Christ.

• In dealing with debt in our lives, Step 1 create a zero-based budget – live within your budget and don’t become a slave through borrowing. With this don’t co-sign on loans and when and if you do borrow make sure that you pay back what you owe. Step 2 – take hold of the anointing given to us by Christ to break the bondage of debt in our lives and proclaim the year of freedom (Jubilee). Seize the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant given to us and its blessings in which we can inherit all the promises of the Kingdom.


1. Are you experiencing or had experienced times in your life in which you were under the
bondage of debt?

Has God provided hope in these areas of your life in which you can experience His freedom and provision in your life?

2. Are there practical steps that you learned from the message on debt that you can immediate apply to your life and that of your family?

3. What really stood out to you in Sunday’s message? What did God reveal to you?

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Liberty Church Liberty Church

Money's Worth #1

Read the Scriptures and questions out loud and discuss what God has revealed to you. Talk about how this may apply to you. Give examples of what God has done specifically in your life. As you share, let the Holy Spirit renew your mind and transform you to a new way of living.

Read the Scriptures and questions out loud and discuss what God has revealed to you. Talk about how this may apply to you. Give examples of what God has done specifically in your life. As you share, let the Holy Spirit renew your mind and transform you to a new way of living.


Haggai 2:8; Matthew 6:24, 25-26, 28, 32-34 and 5:45; lTim. 6:6-10, 25-34; Genesis 8:22; Mark 11:12-25; Romans 1:19-20

• Money is the currency of the world's system. It is how buying and selling works in the world we live. Most cultures in the world have a currency that enables them to make an exchange for goods and services. Money is a tool and the good and evil that comes from money is dependent on the heart of the one who uses it and the purpose one uses it for.

• As believers, we need to understand the value of money and use it according to God's standard. Otherwise, we will fail to see money's true biblical worth. Jesus taught a lot regarding money's worth and the benefits that we will reap when we use money for His Kingdom. In 16 of the 38 parables, Jesus teaches us how to handle money and possessions. This is not because Jesus needed other people's money because the truth is He already owns it all!

• Jesus said you cannot serve God and money. According to the scripture, God knows that you need food and shelter. He provides these necessities to both the just and the unjust. Notice He says that the gentiles seek after these things not the believer.

• As a church, we have taken the principle of sowing and reaping as the only source of God's provision. Yet, the Lord shows us that He is able to supply the believer far beyond the law of sowing and reaping, if we have faith to believe. Now that does not mean we get away from the law of sowing and reaping because this law governs the earth. Jesus is teaching us that a higher law is available for the believer.

• Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath. The law of the Sabbath applied to every Jew; but, Jesus brought higher laws. Specifically, His Lordship brings Kingdom reign. He is Lord of the Sabbath and also Lord of the harvest. He could demand a harvest at any time and it had to happen. Jesus is introducing us to the rule and reign of His Kingdom.

• Jesus commands us to seek first the Kingdom of God above everything else. The moment the Kingdom of God becomes first place in our heart, then God Himself provides His supernatural provision. When we take care of the Kingdom God, He will take care of us above and beyond. This is the reason why this type of believing and thinking is higher than the law of seed, time, and harvest.


1) What really stood out to you from Sunday's message? What did God reveal to you?

2) How can we take what God says about provision and put it into our daily practice in life?

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