The Power of Mother's Prayer

Sermon Theme

There is no other job that is as demanding and important as that of a mother. Mothers are the most influential people in the world. Mothers shape the lives of each person throughout their life time through their love, correction and mostly their prayers for their children. The prayers of godly mothers have eternal impact. Both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, God shows honor to mothers as demonstrated in the godly influence shown to Moses and to Timothy through the encouragement, teaching and prayers of their mothers and in the case of Timothy also with his grandmother. A godly mother who prays can have impact on her children even in the midst of a culture that is ungodly or in marriages in which there may be unbelievers. We can honor our mothers through various expressions of our love to them – through words, through touch and through our patience with them as they age. The mother’s prayers are often the thing that helps us through life’s difficulties and sustains us as we grow in our relationship with Christ


2 Timothy 1:5; 2 Timothy 3:14-15; 1 Corinthians 7:14; Hebrews 11:23-29; Ephesians 6:2-3


  1. Why was it essential for both Moses and Timothy to have the influence of a spiritual mother in growing up in a family and culture in which other influences could have shaped their lives?

  2. For those who did not have the influence of a godly and praying mother in their lives, what are some of the ways in which the church family can help to provide this influence and support?

  3. Are there ways in which you feel that you can provide greater honor and expression of love and appreciation to your mother in helping you to grow in your own walk with God?


Father, we thank God for the godly influence of mothers in our lives. We thank you for our mothers’ prayers and faithfulness to you and to all their children. We ask that we provide the honor, love and appreciation to them each day and that we in turn would lift them up in prayer, so their needs would be met and that they will experience the richness of your love to them.


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