Praying From Victory, Pt. 4
Sermon Theme
When you get Born Again you are raised up into the heavens and seated with Christ far above ALL PRINCIPALITIES POWERS AND MIGHT or Rulers of this present darkness and the spiritual wickedness in Heavenly places. The third heaven is the place where God resides and rules. Christ’s resurrection revolutionized how we live our lives “down here”. We are one with Christ now, and we ought to live from our co-ascension in Christ. It is about access. Let us open the doors of revelation and walk out our purpose and destiny.
Revelation 3:8, 20; Revelation 4:1; Ephesians 2:6-10
Discuss & Reflect
· How does God want us to pray regarding our problems?
· Describe the three doors and how they relate to you?
· If Jesus already did everything I need to fulfill my purpose how do I access his provision?
· Pastor Richard previously described how we should ask for God’s strategy first, then fight with prophetic decrees and proclamations. Has this changed the way you pray?