Many women have succumbed to the lie that abortion’s legal status makes it a reasonable choice for an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe you are one of these women who made this irreversible choice and as a result you have experienced years of regret and silent suffering. You may have secretly wrestled with self-destructive thoughts, depression, guilt and shame, emotional trauma, anxiety, sleep and eating problems or drug and alcohol abuse. You may have cried out to God, in desperate need of hope, yet still feel trapped in your regret.

At Liberty through “A Movement of Love,” we are here to help you! We offer the opportunity through a small group study to experience Christ’s forgiveness and freedom for all who come to Him broken by the weight of abortion.

Suffering in secret can end. There is a place for you to be heard and healed. We invite you to call Pastor Joan at 425-9673 for more information. 

 A Movement of Love

We are here to help you! We offer the opportunity through a small group study to experience Christ’s forgiveness and freedom for all who come to Him broken by the weight of abortion.

A 12 Week Study beginning Tuesday, March 4th - May 27th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM in our Liberty office conference room located at 1550 Webster Street

Have questions ?

Call the office at 707-425-9673