Money's Worth #1

Read the Scriptures and questions out loud and discuss what God has revealed to you. Talk about how this may apply to you. Give examples of what God has done specifically in your life. As you share, let the Holy Spirit renew your mind and transform you to a new way of living.


Haggai 2:8; Matthew 6:24, 25-26, 28, 32-34 and 5:45; lTim. 6:6-10, 25-34; Genesis 8:22; Mark 11:12-25; Romans 1:19-20

• Money is the currency of the world's system. It is how buying and selling works in the world we live. Most cultures in the world have a currency that enables them to make an exchange for goods and services. Money is a tool and the good and evil that comes from money is dependent on the heart of the one who uses it and the purpose one uses it for.

• As believers, we need to understand the value of money and use it according to God's standard. Otherwise, we will fail to see money's true biblical worth. Jesus taught a lot regarding money's worth and the benefits that we will reap when we use money for His Kingdom. In 16 of the 38 parables, Jesus teaches us how to handle money and possessions. This is not because Jesus needed other people's money because the truth is He already owns it all!

• Jesus said you cannot serve God and money. According to the scripture, God knows that you need food and shelter. He provides these necessities to both the just and the unjust. Notice He says that the gentiles seek after these things not the believer.

• As a church, we have taken the principle of sowing and reaping as the only source of God's provision. Yet, the Lord shows us that He is able to supply the believer far beyond the law of sowing and reaping, if we have faith to believe. Now that does not mean we get away from the law of sowing and reaping because this law governs the earth. Jesus is teaching us that a higher law is available for the believer.

• Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath. The law of the Sabbath applied to every Jew; but, Jesus brought higher laws. Specifically, His Lordship brings Kingdom reign. He is Lord of the Sabbath and also Lord of the harvest. He could demand a harvest at any time and it had to happen. Jesus is introducing us to the rule and reign of His Kingdom.

• Jesus commands us to seek first the Kingdom of God above everything else. The moment the Kingdom of God becomes first place in our heart, then God Himself provides His supernatural provision. When we take care of the Kingdom God, He will take care of us above and beyond. This is the reason why this type of believing and thinking is higher than the law of seed, time, and harvest.


1) What really stood out to you from Sunday's message? What did God reveal to you?

2) How can we take what God says about provision and put it into our daily practice in life?


Money's Worth #2 - The Heart of the Matter