The Fear of God


Pastor Richard brings us an awesome message about the fear of the Lord, starting with a dramatic reading of Exodus 19. We all have fears, but there is one fear that conquers all other fears. The Fear of the Lord. As we walk in the fear of the Lord, there are characteristics that become evident in our lives.  


Isaiah 5:20 AMP; Proverbs 9:10; Psalm 34:11-15; Hebrews 12:14-16; Proverbs 19:23; Genesis 22

*not an exhaustive list

Discuss and Reflect

  • Is there a particular aspect of God-fearing obedience that you find it difficult to embrace

    • Take it to God with humility.

    • Confess your weakness and trust Him to provide you with the power you need to live in holy fear.

  • How can you intentionally pursue holiness?

  • Discuss the 5 characteristics of the fear of God illustrated by Abraham’s story:

    • Abraham obeyed God instantly.

    • Abraham obeyed God when it didn’t make sense.

    • Abraham obeyed even when it was sacrificial.

    • Abraham obeyed when he didn't see a clear benefit.

    • Abraham believed and obeyed to completion


We decree the manifest presence of the Lord is filling California.

'but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord — 'Numbers 14:21

'For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, As the waters cover the sea.'

Habakkuk 2:14


All Liberty Church partners and attendees are invited to take their next step. What is your next step? Is it water baptism, joining Growth Path, joining the Impact team or joining a LIFE group?


Here Comes the Bride


The Father Effect