Money's Worth #2 - The Heart of the Matter

Read the Scriptures and questions out loud and discuss what God has revealed to you. Talk about how this may apply to you. Give examples of what God has done specifically in your life. As you share, let the Holy Spirit renew your mind and transform you to a new way of living


Matthew 6:2 ; Genesis 8:22; Galatians 6:7-8; Hosea 7:8; Luke 6:38, 19:8-9; Corinthians 13:1; 1 Kings 3:5; Mark 4:20; 10:21; Acts 8:18; Proverbs 19:17, 28:27

Proponents of “prosperity gospel” have distorted scripture in three ways.

• First, sowing into good ground is the only way to reap the 100-fold return or to break the curse of property. However, Jesus broke the curse of poverty. The good ground is not the ministry. The motive of your heart is the determiner of your reward. The good ground is the heart of the giver. It’s all about the heart! You’ve already received your reward if your motive is to be seen by people. Love for God and His kingdom is the key.

• The second distortion is that you must “sow up” in order to receive the anointing or gift that they have. The anointing is “caught” not bought. Spiritual gifts can’t be bought. This was specifically addressed when Peter chastised Simon who wanted to pay to have the apostles lay hands on him. Obeying God activates miracles.

• Third, “sowing up” is more important than giving to the poor. To the contrary, Jesus said that you will have treasure in heaven when you give to the poor. The Lord repays you when you give to the poor. The promise of instantaneous results to break the power of debt. Giving as an expression of thanks for our salvation and love for the Lord. When Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law.

Access to both spiritual and financial prosperity is an advantage of being a seed of Abraham. The Body of Christ has been redeemed from the curse of the law. Living in obedience to God, cancels lack and provides all resources and provisions.


1. What really stood out to you from Sunday’s message? What did God reveal to you personally?

2. How will you respond to the message of the Word today?

3. What adjustments, if any, will you make concerning your attitude about money?


Money's Worth #3 - Breaking the Spirit of Debt


Money's Worth #1