Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Living in the Father's Love

Living in the ongoing experience of the Father’s Love brings transformation to our lives. We’re no longer trying to be like Jesus. We experience more of Him expressing His love through us. His love makes us loving. Disarmingly, we learn our own strategies to protect ourselves are unnecessary because we trust in His Love for us. Naturally, we become an expression of His love on the earth…

Sermon Theme

Living in the ongoing experience of the Father’s Love brings transformation to our lives. We’re no longer trying to be like Jesus. We experience more of Him expressing His love through us. His love makes us loving. Disarmingly, we learn our own strategies to protect ourselves are unnecessary because we trust in His Love for us. Naturally, we become an expression of His love on the earth. Through Him and in Him, His love dispels darkness. Wonderfully, His love is the solution to every offensive situation, abuse, tragedy, and crisis. His love is so magnificent. He loves his enemies, betrayers, and sinners. Increase your awareness of the flow of His love through you. His love will captivate you!


John 3:16; Galatians 5, 1 John 4:12-19


  1. Saturate yourselves in the Love of God. Read out loud those scriptures that melt your fears away.

  2. What happens to you and the atmosphere around you when you say Jesus’ name out loud and, or call out an attribute of His character? Together, begin to call on His Name and attributes.

  3. Talk about what Holy Spirit shows you about His Love for you.


Father you have flooded our lives with Your Love with the perfect demonstration of Your love, Jesus. The life of your only begotten Son permeates and flows through us that You may have expression on this earth. By the power of Holy Spirit, hover over us that we may see, feel, and taste Your Love every moment of our day. Grow us up, Lord, change our hearts to beat like yours. Heal, deliver, and save us every day that we may be more like You and know eternal life, that's You Jesus. Demonstrate Your life of love in us. In Jesus Name, oh Savior and King.

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Living Hope

Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.

Sermon Theme

Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.


Revelation 1:18; Matthew 26:47-53; Isaiah 37:36; John 19:11; Matthew 27:45-51; Amos 8:9; 1Corinthians 5:20-21; Isaiah 53; John 20:1-8; 11-14; John 11:25-26; Matthew 27:51-53; 1Corinthians 6:14; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 1 John 3:2-3; Romans 15:13; Romans 8:11; Philippians 3:10-11)


  1. What were those things in your life that were dead that have come alive because of the great “I AM” that lives inside of you?

  2. How has your awareness of Christ in you brought a hunger for holiness, pure thoughts and deeds?

  3. What supernatural ways has Jesus made Himself known to you through your fellowship with Holy Spirit?

  4. In what ways have your desires melted into the desires of our Most High God because of the Love that Jesus poured out on the cross?


Thank you Jesus. You are our Living Hope. By the power of Holy Spirit, resurrect our lives in Your Love. Go before us that we may walk, obedient to Holy Spirit’s transforming power. Bring the revelation of the eternal life that you have prepared for us here - to know You. Lord, we embrace Your love, purpose, and desires for our lives in Jesus Name, Amen.

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Starting Over

Peter was radically transformed by the power of the resurrection. Peter rejected the possibility that he could betray Jesus. Nonetheless, Jesus prophesied Peter would deny following Him three times. Witnessing Jesus being mocked and brutally beaten beyond recognition, Peter wept bitterly in remorse.

Sermon Theme

Peter was radically transformed by the power of the resurrection. Peter rejected the possibility that he could betray Jesus. Nonetheless, Jesus prophesied Peter would deny following Him three times. Witnessing Jesus being mocked and brutally beaten beyond recognition, Peter wept bitterly in remorse. Meeting Peter and the other disciples at the same place on the water where their ministry began together, the power of the resurrected savior transformed Peter into one of the greatest leaders in the early church. The tender moment of restoration comes in the relational exchange and affirmation of love for Christ. Jesus shows us the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable.


Titus 1:16; Matthew 26:58; John 21:3-9; John 21:15-20; Matt 16:24; John 20:4


  1. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you may have denied being a follower of Jesus. Ask Holy Spirit to restore and transform you.

  2. Talk about those areas where you may be following Jesus at a distance by your words or works. How do you draw closer to Jesus?

  3. Share how you’ve been empowered to overcome your own failures. Talk about the power of the resurrection.

  4. Describe how Sunday’s message set you free relationally with Jesus and demonstratively in your life.


Thank you Jesus. Your passionate love for us on the cross is our poignant reality. You willingly laid your life down for us. Taking all of our failures to the cross and being raised from the dead our failures no longer hold us down. It’s all about You Jesus. The curse of sin is destroyed by your blood. Your tender mercies are new every morning just as they were with Peter. By your blood, every human frailty that hinders us is nailed to the cross. Resurrect us in boldness for You! Resurrect us in love for those who are lost without you. In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Money's Worth # 5 - The Principle of First

The principle that the first fruits of our lives is holy and belongs to God is illustrated from Genesis to Revelations. The first 10% of your income is the tithe that is holy to God. It’s the redemptive portion that sets into motion the blessings of God. The tithe is called first fruits because we are putting God first in our lives. Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to the Lord.

Sermon Theme

The principle that the first fruits of our lives is holy and belongs to God is illustrated from Genesis to Revelations. The first 10% of your income is the tithe that is holy to God. It’s the redemptive portion that sets into motion the blessings of God. The tithe is called first fruits because we are putting God first in our lives. Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to the Lord.


Exodus 13:1-2; Malachi 3:8-12;Leviticus 27:30; Joshua 6:24; Deuteronomy 26:13-14; Matthew 5:17-21; Exodus 13:1-13; Proverbs 3:9-10.


1. Explain what tithing the first 10% of your income does to your heart.

2. What does an open heaven look like in your life, knowing that everything belongs to the Lord?

3. How can you keep the tithe from being a legalistic ritual?

4. Have you ever given with regret? Discuss your process of bringing thoughts and emotions in line with God’s Word.


Holy Spirit thank you for revealing every area in our lives that we can take the principle of first fruits as a holy place of worship to you. Take us to new dimensions of your holiness and splendor that we may experience the fullness of your joy, faithfulness, and everlasting love toward us. Glory and honor are yours Almighty Father, in Jesus name. Amen

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Money's Worth #4 - Understanding Supernatural Debt Cancellation

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.


Luke 4:18-22; Leviticus 25:9-10; 2 Kings 4:1-7; 2 Kings 6:1-7; Matthew 17:24-27; James 2:17; Matthew 9:29; Ephesians 1:3; Colossians 2:14

• Recapping from our lesson last week, debt enslaves us. Quite often, debt comes from a lifestyle of overspending. To get out of debt we must: 1) Stop borrowing; 2) Develop a budget; 3) Work out a plan to pay back creditors; 4) Learn to trust God; 5) Exercise self-discipline as a lifestyle. In essence, curb the impulse to buy and stay within your budget.

• The sixth element to financial freedom is supernatural debt cancellation. God’s provision for our lives goes beyond the wisdom He gives us to be free. God’s character exemplified and personified in Jesus. He was anointed to proclaim the year of Jubilee. He is our Jubilee. Mortgaged land returns to its owner Debts are forgiven. And slaves of those debts are set free, supernaturally.

• We are accountable for complying with the terms and conditions of all our obligations, including taxes. There is no passivity in faith. Supernatural provision occurs even in your simple compliance with your obligations because He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Watch God provide wisdom for every area of our life to multiply provision for your home. Work to be a blessing to others and God’s faithfulness will manifest in His supernatural provision. Trust Him. Delight in Him.

• Believing God for our finances includes doing what we’re required to do, knowing that God will do what only He can do. Give God whatever little you may have and the principle of multiplication will kick-in for God to do the rest. Sow seed and ask God to multiply the seed sown. Look to God to bring change, according to your level of faith. Faith is the bridge that connects the physical realm to the spiritual realm. The resources of the Kingdom of God are stored in the spiritual realm and reserved for specifically for you.


1. Are there areas in your finances that you have to apply your natural resources and abilities and expect God to intervene supernaturally to meet your needs?

2. Relate a time(s) in your life when you had to rely on God to move supernaturally to provide for you and your family. What did you have to do first to watch God move?

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Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Money's Worth #3 - Breaking the Spirit of Debt

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.


Pastor Richard West March 17, 2019

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.

Read: Luke 16:11-12; Romans 13:7-8; Phil.4:11-13; Psalms 37:21; Ecc. 5:4; Lev. 25:9-10; Luke 4:18-22; Gal. 3:13,

16; Deut. 8:18; Deut. 28:1-14; Exodus 3:22.

• Money and how we use it is a major theme in the Bible – referenced 2,300 times in the Scriptures

• The Scriptures tell us that if we struggle in handling earthly resources like money how can God entrust us with spiritual or heavenly resources that are vital for His Kingdom. Therefore, we are stewards of what belongs to God. He is Lord even over our money.

• We are instructed in the Scriptures to have no debt other than the debt of loving each other in the Body of Christ.

• We live in a consumer society in which debt is considered normal and an expected part of our lives. But God wants to break the spirit of debt and its bondage on our lives.

• Savings is seen in Scripture as a “storehouse principle” that will help us break the bondage of debt in our lives and release God’s blessing. Joseph saved for 7 years to prepare for the “rainy day” of famine and as a result saved a nation. The book of Proverbs teaches us 7 ways in which to invest which shows us that having a mindset of savings is a Biblical principle.

• Credit card debt is a tool the enemy uses to keep us in the bondage of debt that often leads into aspects of poverty in which we spend and live beyond our means. “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” We all need at some time in our lives to have “plastic surgery” – freedom from credit cards and debt.

• Like Paul, we all need to learn to be satisfied in all things, whether in lack or in abundance through the power given to us by Christ.

• In dealing with debt in our lives, Step 1 create a zero-based budget – live within your budget and don’t become a slave through borrowing. With this don’t co-sign on loans and when and if you do borrow make sure that you pay back what you owe. Step 2 – take hold of the anointing given to us by Christ to break the bondage of debt in our lives and proclaim the year of freedom (Jubilee). Seize the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant given to us and its blessings in which we can inherit all the promises of the Kingdom.


1. Are you experiencing or had experienced times in your life in which you were under the
bondage of debt?

Has God provided hope in these areas of your life in which you can experience His freedom and provision in your life?

2. Are there practical steps that you learned from the message on debt that you can immediate apply to your life and that of your family?

3. What really stood out to you in Sunday’s message? What did God reveal to you?

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