Money's Worth #4 - Understanding Supernatural Debt Cancellation

Read the Scriptures and share around the circle the revelations God has given and how they are adjusting your life. As you answer the questions and describe your process, be as practical and down-to-earth as possible. Discuss the insights you are gaining and how you are applying them in your life; describe what is working and what remains a challenge.


Luke 4:18-22; Leviticus 25:9-10; 2 Kings 4:1-7; 2 Kings 6:1-7; Matthew 17:24-27; James 2:17; Matthew 9:29; Ephesians 1:3; Colossians 2:14

• Recapping from our lesson last week, debt enslaves us. Quite often, debt comes from a lifestyle of overspending. To get out of debt we must: 1) Stop borrowing; 2) Develop a budget; 3) Work out a plan to pay back creditors; 4) Learn to trust God; 5) Exercise self-discipline as a lifestyle. In essence, curb the impulse to buy and stay within your budget.

• The sixth element to financial freedom is supernatural debt cancellation. God’s provision for our lives goes beyond the wisdom He gives us to be free. God’s character exemplified and personified in Jesus. He was anointed to proclaim the year of Jubilee. He is our Jubilee. Mortgaged land returns to its owner Debts are forgiven. And slaves of those debts are set free, supernaturally.

• We are accountable for complying with the terms and conditions of all our obligations, including taxes. There is no passivity in faith. Supernatural provision occurs even in your simple compliance with your obligations because He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Watch God provide wisdom for every area of our life to multiply provision for your home. Work to be a blessing to others and God’s faithfulness will manifest in His supernatural provision. Trust Him. Delight in Him.

• Believing God for our finances includes doing what we’re required to do, knowing that God will do what only He can do. Give God whatever little you may have and the principle of multiplication will kick-in for God to do the rest. Sow seed and ask God to multiply the seed sown. Look to God to bring change, according to your level of faith. Faith is the bridge that connects the physical realm to the spiritual realm. The resources of the Kingdom of God are stored in the spiritual realm and reserved for specifically for you.


1. Are there areas in your finances that you have to apply your natural resources and abilities and expect God to intervene supernaturally to meet your needs?

2. Relate a time(s) in your life when you had to rely on God to move supernaturally to provide for you and your family. What did you have to do first to watch God move?


Money's Worth # 5 - The Principle of First


Money's Worth #3 - Breaking the Spirit of Debt