Fairfield Campus


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Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Plan To Attend At A Campus?

1. In accordance with CDC guidelines, we recommend that you and your family wear a cloth face covering or mask.

2. In order to create a spacious environment, we will have limited seating with adequate spacing in our Auditorium.


What Happens Once I Arrive?

When you arrive, ushers will assist you to your seat (if available). Our team will direct each of your steps seamlessly. At all times we will assist you in maintaining a 6-foot safe distance as you move through and sit in the environment.


What Will Children’s Programming Look Like?

Your child(ren) will be able to join their classes in playing, learning and having a good time while our teachers keep them safe.

If you would like them to join you in the main service, here’s a suggestion to keep them happy; Bring a tablet or mobile device and a pair of headphones – during the experience your child can visit Liberty Kidz Facebook Group and watch this weekend’s Bible lesson.


What Happens when service is over?

We ask that you keep your facemask on when you are talking, laughing and having a good time with others.

Go on to enjoy the rest of your day !


Let’s Work Together to Stay Healthy

What We’re Doing:

  • All staff and volunteers will be wearing masks.

  • Additional hand-sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the building.

  • All Liberty Church services will be a touchless experience, and all high-volume areas will be thoroughly sanitized between services.

  • No water fountains will be open or usable.

  • Hebrews Café will be closed.

  • No offering buckets will be passed. Instead, there will be an area near the exit doors of the auditorium for guests who want to give.

  • All seatback materials, papers, and pens will be removed.

How You Can Help:

  • If you don't feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and join us online.

  • We encourage you to wear a mask, and will have one available to you if needed.

  • Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.

  • Maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and other guests.