west school of ministry staff
Founder / Instructor
Richard west
Pastor Richard has been in full-time ministry for 33 years and holds a Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min) through Vision International University and a Doctorate of Theology (Th.D) through Master’s Open Bible Seminary. He was ordained as a Bishop in January 2010 through the Council of Christian Bishops, CCBP.
In 1991 Richard and his wife Joan became the Founding and Senior Pastors of Liberty Church in Fairfield, CA., the largest ethnically diverse church in their region with partners from a variety of backgrounds, races and ages.
Pastor Richard travels extensively training thousands of pastors and leaders throughout West Africa, Philippines, China, Japan, Romania, India and Russia. Through solid Bible instruction and leadership training, pastors are empowered to minister effectively to their congregations and grow their church to the next level. He has personally helped to pioneer over 201 new churches and assisted in the training of another 164 new church plants around the world.
debbie huber
In 2015, Pastor Debbie joined the full-time staff at Liberty Church and oversees Pastoral Care and Counseling. Debbie is the daughter of Assemblies of God pastors. As a young person, she assisted her parents as a musician and worship leader. Debbie attended North Center University, graduating valedictorian with a degree in Behavioral Science. She has worked as a volunteer and paid staff member of churches in the following capacities: janitor, Sunday School teacher, small group leader, worship leader, as well as associate and senior pastor. In 2003, Debbie was ordained and was given the position as Senior Pastor at New Beginnings Christian Fellowship. In addition, she served her community as a chaplain with the LaCrosse Police Department. After moving to New York, she obtained her Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and returned to volunteer service in the local church. She is passionate about training and equipping people to fully function in the body of Christ; to become all they were created and called to become.
Director of West School
peter curzon
Peter Curzon entered the Kingdom in 1978 when he had a miraculous encounter with the Holy Spirit. A teacher and learner all his life, he was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1981. He taught university level math there, and has worked as an engineer and technologist in the Silicon Valley marketplace ever since. He answered the call to ministry in 1995, and served on the teaching staff at prior churches before arriving at Liberty in 2011. He is both a licensed pastor and a certified prison chaplain. He is active in preaching and worship ministry in seven California state prisons and three federal penitentiaries. His heart is to make the beauty of the Lord available to all who desire to know Him.