The Care Teams are all about equipping our guests in an invisible way. These volunteer teams run in the background and their ministries are an invisible force that has a visible impact. Some require training while others require the gift of a helping heart and a willingness to serve at unconventional times or in unique circumstances.
Care & support
Hospital visits
Praying for/with others
Care Class Facilitators
A caring group of people that help facilitate conversation and walk alongside people during our various classes; Grief Share and Financial Peace University.
Care Mentors
As a church, we want to come alongside hurting people, in our congregation to share their journey with love and hope. Our Care Mentor Team helps serve our people to the best of their ability.
Hospital Visitation Team
This team serves to provide care for our guests or their families when hospitalization occurs. Team members act as a representative of Liberty Church by traveling to local hospitals to briefly visit with and provide prayer for patients or their families.
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team serves to provide invaluable ministry for our guests as requested. Many team members are visible, serving during service times to pray with our guests. They also receive information regarding prayer needs throughout the week.
Financial Peace University Team
This team serves as mentors to help people get control of their money while going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University program.