Sierra Leone… Lion Mountains

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. - Henry David Thoreau

Preparing to land in Sierra Leone, you see a lush landscape, marshes, and beautiful vibrant communities of tin roofs that welcome its visitors from the sky to the “Lion Mountains.” Lion Mountains is the meaning of Sierra Leone, given by Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra. One story describes de Sintra saying that he heard roaring lions in the mountains approaching Sierra Leone’s coast-now, Freetown, and immediately named it. The rich scenic tapestry only begins to tell the story of “Salone” identified by its residents, and you soon recognize it is a place where lions are found in the mountains.

As we exited the plane onto the tarmac, this was the realization of a prophecy three years in the making. Through prayers, fasting, correspondences, delays, and itinerary changes, God opened the door to Sierra Leone with a fervency to share His heart. The airport greeted us with the pulse of Leoneans. They are people with tenaciousness and perseverance, a prelude to the climate of the overall region. The desire and prevalence for something greater than them were evident.

The morning after our arrival, as we packed to travel to Freetown, two men amputees of the Civil War stood patiently waiting behind our vehicle for an introduction. That’s what I mean by tenaciousness. They had no idea who we were, but they received an introduction and prayer, and they asked for nothing more. Sometimes we have to wait, even when we don’t know exactly what we are waiting for.  

Our “open door” to Salone was initiated with an invitation by Pastor Victor Babatunde Harding to participate in Royal Kingdoms Ministries 2021 Divine Speed Conference. Pastor Victor is an evangelist at heart and has spent most of his time witnessing the Good News. Through correspondents, he learned our hearts for the Gospel message to be released to the Leonean people. This conference offered teachings/preachings, prophetic words, healings, deliverance, and God’s undeniable love during our ministry time. We witnessed those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness receive their fill. There were times when the presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable. You wanted the moment to stand still, for you knew you were drinking of the well that never runs dry. It was for all of us. On the mountain, God wanted his vastness to be known. He is an unchangeable God who specializes in changing the impossible.

We would also have an opportunity to fellowship with one of our own Liberty church plants-Jubilee Sierra Leone. Under the pastorship of Jeremiah Nathaniel, Jubilee Sierra Leone is constructing a church and school in a primarily Islamic community. Formerly Islamic, Pastor Jeremiah’s heart is to reach the souls in the community with the love of Christ richly dwelling in him. He is so determined; services are conducted as piles of red clay dirt rest at the back of the church. God is faithful to finish what He starts. Pastor Jeremiah also has desires to build a church and health clinic in the Lungi area.

God topped off this beautiful mountain experience with an impromptu invitation to visit Samaria Mission Church under the leadership of Bishop Yusef Bangura. His servant’s heart is evident in his desires for Sierra Leone. Bishop Yusef is dedicated to supporting pastors, including those living in the most remote areas of Sierra Leone. He shared the story of one pastor who walks seven miles to his church to share the Good News.

This is the gift of missionary work to share and partner in revealing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, surrendering your hands/feet/hearts to God as his instruments of mercy, grace, hope, encouragement, correction, truth, authenticity, faith, and the greatest of these-love.

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news of peace and salvation….” Isaiah 52:7

 Although we spent most of our time in the physical building, God created and set “divine appointments” on the beaches, restaurants, hotel lobbies, hallways, and even sidewalks.

The Lion Mountains is a place constructing and deconstructing mountainous ranges. Those we partner with hope to create a place where the Lion of the tribe of Judah roars the loudest and mining the mountains produce treasures unseen. With a yes, God can and does exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we can ask or think…Eph 3:20

- Written By Dreama Cole


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