Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Starting Over

Peter was radically transformed by the power of the resurrection. Peter rejected the possibility that he could betray Jesus. Nonetheless, Jesus prophesied Peter would deny following Him three times. Witnessing Jesus being mocked and brutally beaten beyond recognition, Peter wept bitterly in remorse.

Sermon Theme

Peter was radically transformed by the power of the resurrection. Peter rejected the possibility that he could betray Jesus. Nonetheless, Jesus prophesied Peter would deny following Him three times. Witnessing Jesus being mocked and brutally beaten beyond recognition, Peter wept bitterly in remorse. Meeting Peter and the other disciples at the same place on the water where their ministry began together, the power of the resurrected savior transformed Peter into one of the greatest leaders in the early church. The tender moment of restoration comes in the relational exchange and affirmation of love for Christ. Jesus shows us the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable.


Titus 1:16; Matthew 26:58; John 21:3-9; John 21:15-20; Matt 16:24; John 20:4


  1. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you may have denied being a follower of Jesus. Ask Holy Spirit to restore and transform you.

  2. Talk about those areas where you may be following Jesus at a distance by your words or works. How do you draw closer to Jesus?

  3. Share how you’ve been empowered to overcome your own failures. Talk about the power of the resurrection.

  4. Describe how Sunday’s message set you free relationally with Jesus and demonstratively in your life.


Thank you Jesus. Your passionate love for us on the cross is our poignant reality. You willingly laid your life down for us. Taking all of our failures to the cross and being raised from the dead our failures no longer hold us down. It’s all about You Jesus. The curse of sin is destroyed by your blood. Your tender mercies are new every morning just as they were with Peter. By your blood, every human frailty that hinders us is nailed to the cross. Resurrect us in boldness for You! Resurrect us in love for those who are lost without you. In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.

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