Twenty Twenty Vision
God is giving us new eyes and new vision for what is happening this year. Come up to see things from God’s perspective. Worship is not a prelude to the sermon. Worship is the sound of eternity. The church needs to stand up and stop being apathetic.
Romans 13:11-14 TPT; Isaiah 60; Psalm 67
· What does it personally mean to you to get in tune with what the Spirit of God is doing?
Pray for boldness to go out and preach the gospel with accompanying miraculous signs
And he said to them, “As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race! Whoever believes the good news and is baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe the good news will be condemned. And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”
Mark 16:15-18 TPT
All Liberty Church partners and attendees are invited to take their next step. What is your next step? Is it water baptism, joining Growth Path, joining the Impact team or joining a LIFE group?