Living Hope
Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.
Sermon Theme
Our Risen Savior willingly laid His life down for us. Darkness and earthquakes fell upon the earth for three hours. At that time, Jesus was cut off from the presence of God. He, who knew no sin became sin. He took our iniquity, sickness, disease and every sin was nailed to the cross. Instead of defeat, Jesus was resurrected out of hell death and the grave. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will lift you up from despair and give you a hope and a future.
Revelation 1:18; Matthew 26:47-53; Isaiah 37:36; John 19:11; Matthew 27:45-51; Amos 8:9; 1Corinthians 5:20-21; Isaiah 53; John 20:1-8; 11-14; John 11:25-26; Matthew 27:51-53; 1Corinthians 6:14; 1 Peter 1:3-4; 1 John 3:2-3; Romans 15:13; Romans 8:11; Philippians 3:10-11)
What were those things in your life that were dead that have come alive because of the great “I AM” that lives inside of you?
How has your awareness of Christ in you brought a hunger for holiness, pure thoughts and deeds?
What supernatural ways has Jesus made Himself known to you through your fellowship with Holy Spirit?
In what ways have your desires melted into the desires of our Most High God because of the Love that Jesus poured out on the cross?
Thank you Jesus. You are our Living Hope. By the power of Holy Spirit, resurrect our lives in Your Love. Go before us that we may walk, obedient to Holy Spirit’s transforming power. Bring the revelation of the eternal life that you have prepared for us here - to know You. Lord, we embrace Your love, purpose, and desires for our lives in Jesus Name, Amen.