Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church Life Group Curriculum Liberty Church

Living in the Father's Love

Living in the ongoing experience of the Father’s Love brings transformation to our lives. We’re no longer trying to be like Jesus. We experience more of Him expressing His love through us. His love makes us loving. Disarmingly, we learn our own strategies to protect ourselves are unnecessary because we trust in His Love for us. Naturally, we become an expression of His love on the earth…

Sermon Theme

Living in the ongoing experience of the Father’s Love brings transformation to our lives. We’re no longer trying to be like Jesus. We experience more of Him expressing His love through us. His love makes us loving. Disarmingly, we learn our own strategies to protect ourselves are unnecessary because we trust in His Love for us. Naturally, we become an expression of His love on the earth. Through Him and in Him, His love dispels darkness. Wonderfully, His love is the solution to every offensive situation, abuse, tragedy, and crisis. His love is so magnificent. He loves his enemies, betrayers, and sinners. Increase your awareness of the flow of His love through you. His love will captivate you!


John 3:16; Galatians 5, 1 John 4:12-19


  1. Saturate yourselves in the Love of God. Read out loud those scriptures that melt your fears away.

  2. What happens to you and the atmosphere around you when you say Jesus’ name out loud and, or call out an attribute of His character? Together, begin to call on His Name and attributes.

  3. Talk about what Holy Spirit shows you about His Love for you.


Father you have flooded our lives with Your Love with the perfect demonstration of Your love, Jesus. The life of your only begotten Son permeates and flows through us that You may have expression on this earth. By the power of Holy Spirit, hover over us that we may see, feel, and taste Your Love every moment of our day. Grow us up, Lord, change our hearts to beat like yours. Heal, deliver, and save us every day that we may be more like You and know eternal life, that's You Jesus. Demonstrate Your life of love in us. In Jesus Name, oh Savior and King.

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