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Sam Eaton

Your Scars are Your Superpower

Using Our Wounds to Change the World

June 24
Online ZOOM Event
7:00 pm

Register by June 22
Hosted by Liberty Church Young Adults

Ever felt worthless? Invisible? Disposable?

Ever wondered if this world would be better off without you?

You're not alone in whatever struggle you're facing. Even in the hardest moments of your life, life can always get better. Join Sam Eaton as he talks about his own battle with suicide and warning signs to look for in those close to you who are silently struggling.

"What I can give you my story. My real story. Not the sugar-coated parts – the real, holding a knife in my hand truth. The uncontrollable sobbing on the floor reality."

Sam Eaton is an elementary music teacher, in-progress author, blogger, speaker and founder of Recklessly Alive, a suicide prevention ministry sprinting towards a world with zero deaths by suicide. A suicide survivor himself, Sam is crazy passionate about helping people tell a better story with their lives—one that is fully and recklessly alive. Sam speaks regularly at schools, churches, retreats, and conferences throughout the U.S. He currently resides in Minneapolis, MN where he enjoys collecting vinyl records, trying not to be terrible at Crossfit and tasting every type of Oreo. To follow his adventures, visit

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